Delicious, wholesome A2A2 raw milk. Filled with goodness, like probiotics and natural enzymes.
Raw milk not only tastes so good, but it’s also good for you! Raw milk contains probiotics which are necessary for improving gut health. It also contains beneficial enzymes that aid in digestion, like lactase.
In West Virginia, raw milk can only be sourced from your own cow. So how can you get raw milk if you don’t own your own cow? Simple. You buy a share into a milking herd. It’s called a herdshare. Think of it like a milk subscription.
Members pay a one-time fee of $30 to own a whole share and a monthly amount of $27 per share for us to care for your cows! You can purchase the herd share now, and then we’ll send you an invoice for the monthly room and board fee of $27 per herd share.
You can drink your milk whole, or skim the cream off the top to make your own butter, sour cream, and such.
We have drop off points in convenient locations in southern WV. If interested in our herd share program email me at
If we have no herd shares available at the moment, please email me at to be added to our waiting list.
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